Pokemon Showdown Best Team Anything Goes. W h a t is this nickname. 252 HP 252 Def 4 SpD Bold Nature IVs.
Every Pokemon from all tiers are allowed and because the Species Clause is lifted you can have up to six of the same Pokemon on your team. Pokemon Showdown Anything Goes Team. I would really appreciate help to improve this team for Ubers or Anything Goes.
Using groupwatch a way in which to watch youtube videos right on PS we will be livestreaming every Friday from January 29th at 2pm GMT until we beat the elite 4.
Ladder records from the gen7anythinggoes format on Pokemon Showdown. I think you should run Thunder over Water Spout to kill Water-types though. I know I am not perfect and I can make mistakes and additionally sometimes I get lucky and I get the three legendaries but at times it seems as if the. Deoxys-Speed is also good for stopping pokemon that set up with Taunt.