Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Myanimelist. When high school student Yuuji Itadori finds a dried-up finger of the legendary. Idly indulging in baseless paranormal activities with the Occult Club high schooler Yuuji Itadori spends his days at either the clubroom or the hospital where he visits his bedridden grandfather.
This page lists all the characters appearing throughout the Jujutsu Kaisen manga and anime. Dari semua anime yang ada Jujutsu Kaisen meraih posisi pertama sebagai anime terpopuler tahun 2020 versi MyAnimeList. Add to library 8 Discussion 14 Follow author Share.
Looking for episode specific information Jujutsu Kaisen TV on episode 10.
Shonen Jumps Next Big Crossover Should Be Jujutsu Kaisen Chainsaw Man. Idly indulging in baseless paranormal activities with the Occult Club high schooler Yuuji Itadori spends his days at either the clubroom or the hospital where he visits his bedridden grandfather. Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 108 has been released. Sorcery Fight is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gege Akutami serialized in Shueishas Weekly Shonen Jump since March 2018.