Digimon Adventure Tri Movie. As was the case with that series of films the DigiDestined characters from Digimon Adventure 02 were recast with new actors while their Digimon retained their original actors. Reunion BD Sub Indo MKV 720P MKV 480P batch.
Reprised their roles with two recast roles. Soushitsu seri ke 4 dari anime ini yang menceritakan pertama Meicoomon yang mengamuk dan terjadilah reboot akhirnya terjadi. Reunion the DigiDestined inaugurate their newest members Meiko Mochizuki and Meicoomon with a trip to a nearby hot spring.
Collects all six of the Digimon Adventure Tri movies into one boxset.
Reunion Dubbed 2015 1 hr 26 min. While the DigiDestined return to the Real World alienated by the abnormal state of the Digital World. Joined by another DigiDestined named Meiko Mochizuki and her. Directed by Keitaro Motonaga.